Sunday 21 October 2012

If anyone serves me riced potatoes I will smack them in the face

The phrase 'brilliant idea' is overused a lot these days, usually by a Chinese looking person with a strong Glaswegian accent on dragons den, while they struggle to describe the benefit of wearing a glove that doubles up as wine press. And as they begin to fall to pieces at the sight of what's up Deborah skirt (Theo's hand?) they feel I assume much like the person who invented the slotted spoon felt when he/she was pitching their idea. "Errmmm well, yeah, it's a sort of spoon, but errm with holes in".
However some of these inventions are useful; the JML halogen oven, the JML Paint runner, the JML ped-egg (an egg for removing dead skin I believe) for instance, all useful inventions available from all good woolworthseses. However the potato ricer, is at the opposite end of the spectrum, a completely pointless, useless and impractical money making, Idea, it basically mashes potatoes, but in ultra small small amounts, so by the time you've riced your last bit of king Edward the first bits cold. And I imagine they're a ball ache to wash up (even with fairy). Unless your names Jamie, Gordon or Hugh-Fearnley you really shouldn't own one, let alone contemplate buying. Save your pennies and buy a shoe horn instead.
It seems strange that we are worshipping potato ricers, and dead skin eggs, as technology, when arguably the greatest invention ever seen is lying dormant and unused in some museum. The Concorde, was a complete miracle, for a start it was built by us and the French, and usually anything built in this country was about as reliable as getting Jimmy Saville to babysit. The Austin Allegro for example, or Rovers. And the French only really do fine delicate things, such as wine, cheese and underwear. But the two combined on this project really worked, when you think about it, the frechies managed the technical stuff and we did the big, gritty parts, because wings are easy to knock up in between striking and complaining a out the wether. The Concorde really was an amazing plane, I could be in America and back in time for breakfast, if it was still in action (possibly in a screaming fireball, but still...) and ok it had its downfalls, as all new ideas had, but too scrap it so hastily, well it's a massive waste. And, it also makes the last piece of genuine British design and ingenuity look crap, and it wasn't. Although the Airbus can hold more people, and is more spacious, it's not as quick and therefore like anything built since, has been a step back. Bring back the Concorde I say.
Rant over, I'm hoping my next blog will be funnier, it's going to be about my hatred for swimming, I think.

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