Monday 23 September 2013

Before long anyone with a land rover will be forced to live underground.

For years in Britain there has been 3 main political parties with largely differing views on the way the country is run. And then languishing in the background, Like the wheezy kid who was always picked last at football Is the green party.
Some may say that the Labour party has been the most uccesfull party in recent years, Others may argue it's been the tories. There's probably a few people with pritt sticks up their noses that would say the Lib dems have done well. But actually, It's the green eco warriors who've done the best. Because like hemp clad power rangers they have infiltrated all the other parties, and made them do what they want.
This week for instance, It has been announced that people are to be fined for using plastic bags. In an attempt to stop polar bears throwing themselves into the sea. We all know that plastic bags are very bad, Much worse than Hitler, and Smoking. So something does need to be done. But imposing a fine on the shopper is not it.
For instance The fines are going to be around 5-10p So if you do forget your own bag it's just going to be easier to pay the fine, as opposed to struggling out of Asda with your big shop stuffed down your tracksuit. And I can just see the look on 'Sharon' from till 5's face when you need £19.95 change because you left your bag at home.
Fining the shopper is the wrong move, Fining the supermarket would be much better, Cauliflowers are wrapped up like they're solid gold, Apples are more secure than area 51 and Pork chops are sandwiched between that much plastic anyone would think they are highly toxic.None of these products need that level of packaging, and as far as I'm aware broccoli does not get embarrassed when it is displayed naked. All of this plastic has to go somewhere? Maybe the government should start fining large companies everytime an item of their packaging is found in the street? Then they'd start reducing those evil plastic bags.
All these parties seem to want to tell us what to do, Or at least let people tell us what to do. At school teachers tell you what to do, and where to go, Unless you have A (largely made up) ADHD style illness, In which case teachers aren't allowed to tell you what to do. Ten years ago Bankers told anybody they could have any amount of money they wanted for whatever reason, regardless of Job, Prospects or Intelligence, Now the same Bankers are saying that no one can ever borrow money again. One minute Vegetarian's wearing beards and hemp sandals are saying we musn't shoot foxes, or hunt ducks and deers, or catch fish, or eat cows, chicken or anything that once had a face. The next Men in sharp suits stood in front of ruddy faced farmers are telling us we must Kill, punch, kick, slap and poke every badger we see.
The police tell us how fast we can drive, despite having no real idea of the road or driver conditions,And the vegetablists are telling us we can't drive anything that might give off pollution or squash a squirrel. The government tell us where and what we can smoke and drink.
It does indeed seem, That anyone who wears a suit, a beard, or a hi viz vest can tell us all what to do. Unless of course your a ginger, homosexual muslim. In which case No one can tell you what do.